Friday, June 17, 2011


So, it needs to be clarified. The Culminating Activity is worth 10% of your grade, can't just not do it thinking that you'll survive a 10% decrease in your mark. If you do not do the Culminating then the course is "incomplete" and you will not receive credit for this course. All Portfolio Projects must be in my hands by the end of day Tuesday, June 21.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


I have the final terms marks calculated despite the fact that some people have missing assignments. I will hand back rubrics with your current standing on it on Monday. Now your energy needs to go into doing a fabulous job on the Culminating Activity. One missing term task doesn't have much of an impact, but the Culminating is worth 10% and that's a whole grade level.

If you have a missing task and would like to ask me to assess it AFTER you have submitted your Culminating, I am prepared to consider doing so as long as you have left me adequate time.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Here are two school related logos that you might want to use on your "street" sign. You should be able to copy the image off this blog and use it in your work.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


So...your pig art submission is supposed to be completed today. I need a hard copy of the image and your explanation to mail to the Ontario Pork Congress. You should also post your images for the record.

Remember to try to find the name of the photographer. I have discovered that in some cases this is not possible. In that instance please name the website where the photo is posted. Name the site by it's title, not the url address. Your should show the original image as part of your write-up. It is important for the judges to see how much you altered it.  OINK.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I hope all is going well on your PIG ART assignment. I am sorry I am absent again today. I expect to be present on Thursday and will be able to assist you if you are having problems. It is really important to meet the Friday deadline. Please read the rubric and notice that I am asking for a hardcopy of your artwork. Do the write up on a separate page and print it to lab 108 to save our expensive colour ink.
Check out the work of the street artist named ROA. The pig portrait shown above was done by him on wall in Brooklyn, New York. Pigs are beautiful...make it so.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Erik J Fantastic Photography

Erik Johansson is a 21 year old commercial photographer and photo retoucher, from Sweden. He does his work in Photoshop and creates fantastic images from everyday scenes. He features himself in much of his work and blends his images flawlessly. Check him out online.
This image of "Ice Fishing" by Erik J. uses a beautiful monochromatic palette with a hit of hot pink on the sunset. The image tells its story through the chainsaw the "fisherman' carries and the cubes of fish on his sled.

Using Erik J's work as inspiration, this week you are to create an image for the Ontario Pork Congress. The image must feature a pig in some manner and must be complimentary to pigs and the pork industry. You may be fantastic, artistic and humorous. Keep track of where you take your pig image from so the original photographer can be given credit.
The watercolour painting above is done by Pat Weaver of Dade City, Florida. Another option for this task is to use your digital painting skills to transform a photo of a pig into a painterly image. Just be sure to credit your sources.

Monday, May 9, 2011


I am very sorry that I have been absent so often lately. There's been a death in my family and there is much to do. Please use the week to work on your morphed animals. I will leave the cabinet key with Ms Cha in case you want to use the digital drawing tablets. When I am back on Friday I would be interested in seeing a one page print out of whatever animals you have created. Make them as believable as possible both in terms of the animal and the background. Use your whole bag of tricks. We'll talk about Culminating Activities when I return.