Friday, June 17, 2011


So, it needs to be clarified. The Culminating Activity is worth 10% of your grade, can't just not do it thinking that you'll survive a 10% decrease in your mark. If you do not do the Culminating then the course is "incomplete" and you will not receive credit for this course. All Portfolio Projects must be in my hands by the end of day Tuesday, June 21.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


I have the final terms marks calculated despite the fact that some people have missing assignments. I will hand back rubrics with your current standing on it on Monday. Now your energy needs to go into doing a fabulous job on the Culminating Activity. One missing term task doesn't have much of an impact, but the Culminating is worth 10% and that's a whole grade level.

If you have a missing task and would like to ask me to assess it AFTER you have submitted your Culminating, I am prepared to consider doing so as long as you have left me adequate time.