Monday, May 2, 2011


Here's another chance for you to pull all your design skills together. In a small CD Cover format create an image that uses colour effectively, is balances, has a focal point and maybe even uses texture or pattern. These are all concepts that you have used in other tasks. In the design above the dripping ice cream is clearly the focal point, and the powerful colour yellow adds impact to the image. The titles are strategically placed over the yellow to maximize contrast. Below, a palette of analogous colours are used to create a calm mood. The eye is the focal point and again the titles are in high contrast being white on a black framework.
Your design must also communicate the client's message in terms of who they are, what style of music they offer and the content of this particular CD. It can be a real or fictional artist, which ever you prefer. The designs below have a much edgier feel to them. The image in the Hula-Shaker design is meant to capture attention due to the bizarre combination of an escalator in a forest. The graffiti style font on The Black Parade cover combines with the marching skeleton and lack of colour to communicate a more controversial style. Consider adding a "Parental Advisory" sticker to your design if you want to clearly communicate an edgy tone.
Work to be completed and posted by the end of class Wednesday. Read the assignment guidelines and rubric to ensure that your posting is suitable. Also, check the comments for your last work and act on the feedback given.

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