Monday, April 25, 2011


This week's task is to create a artistic photographic Triptych. You are to take three close-up images that are related in some way. It could be similarity in pattern, colour or theme. They must be ORIGINAL photos taken by you. You may not take images off of the internet for this task. You may use a class camera or your own. You may move about the school and the adjacent property, but please tell me where you're going and do not interfere with other classes. Your subject should be objects, not people or animals.

In the example above I took photos of antique hardware at the Aberfoyle Market. When you have selected three images that seem to belong together, crop them, adjust the contrast and colour. You can make minor corrections and you can even add a filter to create a more artistic rendering.
Layout your images as a Triptych. They do NOT need to be the same size and shape, but they should clearly be a grouping. You will find it easier to post you Triptych if you create it as a single jpeg or gif file rather then trying to upload the three images and them formatting them on the blog.

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