Monday, February 7, 2011


The purpose of this task is to allow me to see where people's digital photo manipulation skills are at. I am looking for a smooth merge of the images.  I am also assessing your sense of design. Use the "Rule of Thirds", remember colour theory when making choices and be sure your image is balanced with strong focal point. Pay attention to your decisions and the techniques you use. Maybe you should jot down some notes so you remember what to say in your blog posting,

Keep the original image files and use some them in your blog posting so your reader can really appreciate what you accomplished. when yo post your final image you will need to save it as a JPG, GIF or PNG file and might even need to reduce the size of the file for it to be accepted on the blog. If you need help doing this just ask.

Check out some digital landscapes on the internet, and there are also excellent online tutorials. Read the assignment sheet and rubric carefully so you know what I will be looking for. Keep it in your binder and submit it when the task is completed. Let's try to get this done for Friday, that means complete, and posted on the blog by end of class Friday.
 Keep your note for this task. You are expected to know the three artists who are profiled here; Karin Kuhlmann, George Grie and Jim Kazanjian.

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