Thursday, February 10, 2011


Your composite landscape is due today. Read your rubric and ask yourself if you have done what is being asked for in terms of the image design.

Then...the blog posting is just as important. Say something intelligent, with detail and correct spelling. When you're typing your post, notice the little blue icon at the top of the window, that looks like a framed picture. If you click on that it let's you browse to find the image you want to add to your posting. Remember, to really impress your reader, you  might want to show some of the "before" images that you used to create your landscape. Of course you kept them....  if not, perhaps you still have it as the background of your PSD document.
Here's a digital landscape by Angel Esteves. Notice that the rubric gives a level 4 for people who go above and beyond the project requirements? If you're done a bit early, save your finished project, then re-save with with the name "Artistic Filter". Pull down the Filters menu at the top and try out a couple of the options. They can make your image look like and oil painting at the click of a button. Maybe you'll like it even better, or maybe not, but it is above and beyond:)

Running out of time? Get your images posted now because they are on the school serve. You can do the text from home because your blog is accessible through the internet. You just need to go into new posts then choose the "Edit Posts" tab at the top to get in and add the text.

On Monday we're going to begin a PORTRAIT task. Bring your digital camera if you have one. No, a cell phone won't do. We have cameras to share if you need them.

One more thing...congratulations to Dani, Danielle and Taylor for figuring out how to be "followers" of this blog.

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