Sunday, February 20, 2011


This week we begin with two tasks to tackle. On Tuesday we will view a slide presentation of the Digital Landscape, Composite Photograph projects. Being able to give a meaningful, yet sensitive "critique" of a work of art is an important expectation for this course.
We will use a "sandwich technique" for our critique. In this method the person doing the evaluation begins with saying something specific and positive about the work. Be clear on why the feature is good. For example, don't just say "good use of colour", be more clear and say "good use of dark colours to establish a feeling of mystery or foreboding."
The second step is to say something specific that could be improved. Every artist has a desire to grow so even the best work in the class needs to be evaluated on terms of how it could be improved. On the other hand, a beginning level  project might have many weak aspects and the evaluator must pick one that the artist can address and will have the greatest impact. Never say anything hurtful.
The critique ends on another positive note. Find a final thing that you like or is done well. This leaves the artist with some direction to improve, but still feeling good about themselves. The purpose of a critique is not to discourage the artist. Sandwich the criticism between the compliments.

Our second task is to work on "presentation" skills. Our portraits are to be displayed in the library in a cooperative exhibit with the Visual Arts students. They have already "framed" their work, so we need to print hard copies and frame ours as well. Please get approval from the instructor before printing your work. 
We will use black construction paper to mat your photo.  Be sure you size the image to fit the printer page before you print. There is a paper cutter to do cropping. Measuring accurately makes a difference.

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